Entries in category: 2
Shown entries: 1-2

This article will highlight how (Deep) Reinforcement Learning may be used to tackle difficult problems, such as enabling an agent to drive independently without hitting other objects. Since this essay is a synopsis of an academic project, I won't go into great detail about the Unity environment because the fundamentals are covered in a number of online courses.
Unity | Views: 1052 | Added by: Viktor_Surzhko | Date: 2021-12-01 | Comments (0)

In this article I will show the results of my small program in which I have implemented a genetic algorithm to train a deep neural network in the Unity game engine. All this is done in order to optimize the movement pattern of the individuals to achieve the best possible result for the given objectives. The goal may be a straight line movement as well as a high movement, which will allow us to see how the deep neural network behaves under given conditions and what the result will be, and how it can be improved in the future.
Unity | Views: 2025 | Author: Viktor Surzhko | Added by: Viktor_Surzhko | Date: 2021-07-10 | Comments (0)